i'm trying to make a group of defs in one file so then i just can import them whenever i want to make a script in python
i have tried this:
def get_dblink( dbstring):
Return a database cnx.
global psycopg2
cnx = psycopg2.connect( dbstring)
except Exception, e:
print "Unable to connect to DB. Error [%s]" % ( e,)
exit( )
but i get this error: global name 'psycopg2' is not defined
in my main file script.py
i have:
import psycopg2, psycopg2.extras
from misc_defs import *
hostname = ''
database = 'test'
username = 'test'
password = 'test'
dbstring = "host='%s' dbname='%s' user='%s' password='%s'" % ( hostname, database, username, password)
cnx = get_dblink( dbstring)
can anyone give me a hand?