



Here is my code:

function pauseSound() {
    var pauseSound=document.getElementById("backgroundMusic");

I would like to add a keyboard shortcut to this code, how can I do this so that the function can also be executed when a button is clicked too?

Tried to add an else-if statment but it doesn't work, any ideas?

function doc_keyUp(e) {
    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 88) {
    else-if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 84) {
+2  A: 

an event handler for the document's keyup event seems like an appropriate solution

// define a handler
function doc_keyUp(e) {

    // this would test for whichever key is 40 and the ctrl key at the same time
    if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 40) {
        // call your function to do the thing
// register the handler 
document.addEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false);
This works very well, thank you. How could I use this code twice because I need another shortcut key for 'playSound()'?
add an else-if statement similar to the first if statement, but change the keycode as necessary. make your playSound() call from there. if you want to use the same key for both activities, you'll have to set up a flag variable and check/set it whenever the key is pushed to determine which action to take.
And what about those browsers that don't support `addEventListener`?
IE is the only one i've worked with that doesn't, and you would use document.attachEvent('onkeyup', doc_keyUp);there should be lots of references around to these about checking if a function exists before calling it.
I tried to add an else-if but it doesn't work, please refer to the topic post to see the updated code.
@Chris: in your event handler you should add `var e = e || window.event;` to cover IE's specific event object.
Marcel Korpel

Catch the key code and then call your function. This example catches the ESC key and calls your function.

function getKey(key){
    if ( key == null ) {
        keycode = event.keyCode;
    // To Mozilla
    } else {
        keycode = key.keyCode;
    // Return the key in lower case form    
    if (keycode ==27){
        return false;
    //return String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
$(document).ready( function (){
    $(document).keydown(function (eventObj){
        //alert("Keydown: The key is: "+getKey(eventObj));

You'll need JQUERY for this example.


Here's some stuff to use if you want. You can register a bunch of keys and handler with it.

Comments are in the code, but i short it goes like this:
It sets up a listener on the document and manages a hash with the key combinations for which you want to listen.
* When you register a key (combination) to listen for, you submit the keycode (preferrably as a constant taken from the exported "key" property, to which you can add more constants for yourself), a handler function and possibly an options hash where you say if the ctrl and/or alt key are involved in your plans for this key.
* When you de-register a key (combination) you just submit the key and the optional hash for ctrl/alt-ness.

window.npup = (function keypressListener() {
    // Object to hold keyCode/handler mappings
    var mappings = {};
    // Default options for additional meta keys
    var defaultOptions = {ctrl:false, alt:false};
    // Flag for if we're running checks or not
    var active = false;

    // The function that gets called on keyup.
    // Tries to find a handler to execute
    function driver(event) {
        var keyCode = event.keyCode, ctrl = !!event.ctrlKey, alt = !!event.altKey;
        var key = buildKey(keyCode, ctrl, alt);
        var handler = mappings[key];
        if (handler) {handler(event);}

    // Take the three props and make a string to use as key in the hash
    function buildKey(keyCode, ctrl, alt) {return (keyCode+'_'+ctrl+'_'+alt);}

    function listen(keyCode, handler, options) {
        // Build default options if there are none submitted
        options = options || defaultOptions;
        if (typeof handler!=='function') {throw new Error('Submit a handler for keyCode #'+keyCode+'(ctrl:'+!!options.ctrl+', alt:'+options.alt+')');}
        // Build a key and map handler for the key combination
        var key = buildKey(keyCode, !!options.ctrl, !!options.alt);
        mappings[key] = handler;

    function unListen(keyCode, options) {
        // Build default options if there are none submitted
        options = options || defaultOptions;
        // Build a key and map handler for the key combination
        var key = buildKey(keyCode, !!options.ctrl, !!options.alt);
        // Delete what was found
        delete mappings[key];

    // Rudimentary attempt att cross-browser-ness
    var xb = {
        addEventListener: function (element, eventName, handler) {
            if (element.attachEvent) {element.attachEvent('on'+eventName, handler);}
            else {element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);}
        , removeEventListener: function (element, eventName, handler) {
            if (element.attachEvent) {element.detachEvent('on'+eventName, handler);}
            else {element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, false);}

    function setActive(activate) {
        activate = (typeof activate==='undefined' || !!activate); // true is default
        if (activate===active) {return;} // already in the desired state, do nothing
        var addOrRemove = activate ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
        xb[addOrRemove](document, 'keyup', driver);
        active = activate;

    // Activate on load

    // export API
    return {
        // Add/replace handler for a keycode.
        // Submit keycode, handler function and an optional hash with booleans for properties 'ctrl' and 'alt'
        listen: listen
        // Remove handler for a keycode
        // Submit keycode and an optional hash with booleans for properties 'ctrl' and 'alt'
        , unListen: unListen
        // Turn on or off the whole thing.
        // Submit a boolean. No arg means true
        , setActive: setActive
        // Keycode constants, fill in your own here
        , key : {
            VK_F1 : 112
            , VK_F2: 113
            , VK_A: 65
            , VK_B: 66
            , VK_C: 67

// Small demo of listen and unListen
// Usage:
//   listen(key, handler [,options])
//   unListen(key, [,options])
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_F1, function (event) {
    console.log('F1, adding listener on \'B\'');
    npup.listen(npup.key.VK_B, function (event) {
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_F2, function (event) {
    console.log('F2, removing listener on \'B\'');
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_A, function (event) {
}, {ctrl: true});
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_A, function (event) {
}, {ctrl: true, alt: true});
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_C, function (event) {
    console.log('ctrl-alt-C => It all ends!');
}, {ctrl: true, alt: true});

It is not terribly tested, but seemed to work OK.

Look at to find a lot of keyCodes to use,
