




what is the best way to extract last 2 characters of a string using regular expression.

For example, I want to extract state code from the following


I want to extract IL as string..

please provide me C# code on how to get it..

string fullexpression = "A_IL";
string StateCode = some regular expression code....


+8  A: 

Use the regex:


This will return provide the two characters next to the end anchor.

Since you're using C#, this would be simpler and probably faster:

string fullexpression = "A_IL";
string StateCode = fullexpression.Substring(fullexpression.Length - 2);
Matthew Flaschen
You don't actually need the leading `.*`
Nathan Fellman
Yeah, and I realized you don't need the group for most engines either.
Matthew Flaschen
+1 for suggesting substring. Use the right tool for the job.
Joel Potter
+1  A: 

Use /(..)$/, then pull group 1 (.groups(1), $1, \1, etc.).

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Far too complicated, Keep it simple.
Don't think it calls for a downvote.
Matthew Flaschen