Hi, I'm looking for doing a Pivot Table query in vb.net. I've found a lot of code in c# but not in VB.Net and i don't understand how to convert c# to VB.
Can you help me?
Hi, I'm looking for doing a Pivot Table query in vb.net. I've found a lot of code in c# but not in VB.Net and i don't understand how to convert c# to VB.
Can you help me?
I found the response:
Dim query = From final In _
(From lh In Me.AnnualCost1.sp_annualcostLH _
Group lh By lh.Asset_Number Into Group) _
Let Jan As Object = (From r In final.Group Where _
r.Month = "January" _
Select r.lhTotal).Sum _
Select New With { _
.Asset_Number = final.Asset_Number, _
.January = If(Jan Is Nothing, 0, Jan) _
Thats generate a pivot Table with column by month. Here is only for january
You can use SharpDevelop to convert C# code to VB.net and reverse and also to few other languages.