



Hey guys,

I'm trying to display nutritional information in a table view but am struggling about the best way to show the info. I don't want to create unique views for each page as that would take up a lot of space. My ideal avenue would be like a website having links to data pages instead of individual views for each page. How would I best implement that?

For example, I would want the first page to be a list of restaurants, then as you press the restaurant it would list the different types of food...the next page would be a list of those foods and then the final page would be the nutrition info itself.



You are speaking about an iPhone application? Check out the UINavigationController. A view usually renders a specific piece of data, so your final view (nutrition info) gets the food item you click on in the view before and renders its info. You can then go back, select another food item and the same view shows the info about that item. You have to implement that behaviour of course.
