



In a ModelForm, i have to test user permissions to let them filling the right fields :

It is defined like this:

class TitleForm(ModelForm):    
    def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TitleForm,self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)            
        choices = ['','----------------']
        # company
        if user.has_perm("myapp.perm_company"): 
            self.fields['company'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(),
                queryset=Company.objects.all(), required=False) 
        # association
        if user.has_perm("myapp.perm_association")
            self.fields['association'] =
                queryset=Association.objects.all(), required=False)
        # choices
        self.fields['type_resource'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices = choices)

    class Meta:
        Model = Title  

This ModelForm does the work : i hide each field on the template and make them appearing thanks to javascript...
The problem is this ModelForm is that each field defined in the model will be displayed on the template.
I would like to remove them from the form if they are not needed:
exemple : if the user has no right on the model Company, it won't be used it in the rendered form in the template.

The problem of that is you have to put the list of fields in the Meta class of the form with fields or exclude attribute, but i don't know how to manage them dynamically.

Any Idea??
Thanks by advance for any answer.


See the top upvoted answer to this question:

Ofri Raviv
hmmm yes but there you've to pass the exclude fields to the ModelForm instance while i want to define the exclude list automaticaly in the __init__() of the ModelForm.I know how to make that list but not how to pass it to the Meta Class
Jérôme Pigeot
+1  A: 

Just delete it from the self.fields dict:

if not user.has_perm("blablabla"):
    del self.fields["company"]
Yes, it was obvious!!!! Just have to define all the fields in the Meta class and then removing if not usefull...Thanks a lot!
Jérôme Pigeot