



I want to use the autocomplete plugin for jQuery to populate not one, but two fields when selecting one of the autocomplete values - the name of a band is entered in the #band input field, but the band url (if exists) should also automatically be added to the #url input field when selecting the band name.

Right now I simply have an un-pretty list in an external php file from which the autocompleter takes it's values:

            $bands_sql = "SELECT, bands.url
            FROM bands
            ORDER BY name";
            $bands_result = mysql_query($bands_sql) or print (mysql_error());
            while ($bands_row = mysql_fetch_array($bands_result)) {
                $band_name = $bands_row['name'];
                $band_url = $bands_row['url'];

                echo $band_name."\n"; #needs to be replaced with an array that holds name and url

My autocomplete function looks very basic atm, but as I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to jQuery (and also clueless when it comes to PHP arrays), I have no idea how to tell it to populate two fields and not one.

                $(document).ready(function() {

Is that even possible?!


sure check use result hadler so you can then do what you want once a choice has been made

+1  A: 

Here is an example of what you are looking for:

$("#band").autocomplete('/autocomplete-bands.php').result(function(event, data, formatted) {
    if (data)
    else {
        // no data returned from autocomplete URL

I don't know much about php, but whatever the format of your data that is returned should be put where the data['url'] is currently in order to populate the #url input.


I don't know about the particular plug-in you are using, but I would use the autocomplete widget for jQuery UI instead of a third party plug-in.

Peter Di Cecco