




I'm having this link statement:

List<UserGroup> domains = UserRepository.Instance.UserIsAdminOf(currentUser.User_ID);

query = (from doc in _db.Repository<Document>()
         join uug in _db.Repository<User_UserGroup>() on doc.DocumentFrom equals uug.User_ID
         where domains.Contains(uug.UserGroup)
         select doc)
.Union(from doc in _db.Repository<Document>()
       join uug in _db.Repository<User_UserGroup>() on doc.DocumentTo equals uug.User_ID
       where domains.Contains(uug.UserGroup)
       select doc);

Running this statement doesn't cause any problems. But when I want to count the resultset the query suddenly runs quite slow.

totalRecords = query.Count();

The result of this query is :

SELECT COUNT([t5].[DocumentID])
    SELECT [t4].[DocumentID], [t4].[DocumentFrom], [t4].[DocumentTo]
    FROM (
        SELECT [t0].[DocumentID], [t0].[DocumentFrom], [t0].[DocumentTo
        FROM [dbo].[Document] AS [t0]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[User_UserGroup] AS [t1] ON [t0].[DocumentFrom] = [t1].[User_ID]
        WHERE ([t1].[UserGroupID] = 2) OR ([t1].[UserGroupID] = 3) OR ([t1].[UserGroupID] = 6)
        SELECT [t2].[DocumentID], [t2].[DocumentFrom], [t2].[DocumentTo]
        FROM [dbo].[Document] AS [t2]
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[User_UserGroup] AS [t3] ON [t2].[DocumentTo] = [t3].[User_ID]
        WHERE ([t3].[UserGroupID] = 2) OR ([t3].[UserGroupID] = 3) OR ([t3].[UserGroupID] = 6)
        ) AS [t4]
    ) AS [t5]

Can anyone help me to improve the speed of the count query?

Thanks in advance!


Get rid of your unions and try something like this.

query = (from doc in _db.Repository<Document>().Where(x=> _db.Repository<User_UserGroup>().Any(y=>y.User_ID==x.DocumentFrom ||y.User_ID==x.DocumentTo ))

Sorry i can't guarantee it compiles... but basically use Where any any to do your job.

+2  A: 

Be sure to have indexes on [Document].[DocumentFrom], [Document].[DocumentTo] and [User_UserGroup].[UserGroupID].

By reading your query I can see you join the same table on different conditions.
If you don't need duplicate results you might look at this alternative:

var query = from doc in _db.Repository<Document>()
            from uug in _db.Repository<User_UserGroup>() 
            //join wether DocumentFrom or DocumentTo equals User_ID
            where (
                     (doc.DocumentFrom == uug.User_ID) ||
                     (doc.DocumentTo == uug.User_ID)
                  ) &&
                  //same check on this                      
            select doc;

//execute it
var list = query.ToList();

EDIT: If I am not mistaken .Union picks distinct elements between the two queries, so my alternative IS a valid one.
If you truly want to merge the two result sets you might want to look at .Concat.

Alex Bagnolini
Thanks!The count is now running reasonalby fast. However, it might not be fast enough yet when the document table grows in size. (currently has 50k records)
If you need the `Count` often and fast (and not the full list), consider creating a stored procedure.
Alex Bagnolini
Alex, The query of you seems to return duplicate results.
Seems to be solved by calling .Distinct();. IT also speeds the query up a bit.