




I have tons of ajax components on this booking engine. I need to customize the text inside of the modal for each of the components to suite.

I added:

    $('#loader').bind('ajaxStart', function() {
    }).bind('ajaxComplete', function() {

Is there some advanced way of changing the text inside of the loading element before I do separate .ajax calls? Or do I just have to manually do something like


Furthermore, this may sound silly but is there a way to not have the loader show up for certain components? If not I imagine I'll have to do something like

$('someel').someEvent(function() {
       success:function() {

#loader.override-hide { display:none !important; }
+3  A: 

I'd use the beforeSend callback for both of your examples:

   beforeSend: function() {
      $('#loader').text('Message for this call').show();
   success:function() {

Just leave out .show()/.hide() or .text() if you don't want it shown or the message changed, whatever you want in each case.

See a full list of events here

Nick Craver
@Nick Craver you probably meant `$('#loader').text('Message for this call').show();` +1
@c0mrade Woops, you're right, thanks @Sohnee
Nick Craver