I have the following setup:
component persistent="true"
property name="ListingId" column="ListingId" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" generator="identity";
property name="Features" type="array" hint="Array of features" singularname="Feature" fieldtype="many-to-many" cfc="Feature" linktable="Listing_Feature" FKColumn="ListingId" inversejoincolumn="FeatureId";
component persistent="true" table="Feature" schema="dbo" output="false"
property name="FeatureId" column="FeatureId" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" generator="identity";
property name="FeatureDescription" column="FeatureDescription" type="string" ormtype="string";
/*property name="Listings" fieldtype="many-to-many" cfc="Listing" linktable="Listing_Feature" fkcolumn="FeatureId" inversejoincolumn="ListingId" lazy="true" cascade="all" orderby="GroupOrder";*/
I can select all listings that have a particular feature using:
<cfset matchingListings = ormExecuteQuery("from Listing l left join l.Features as feature where feature.FeatureId = :feature",{feature = 110}) />
Which is fine, however, I'd like to be able to select all listings that have multiple features (for example a listing that has both "Dishwasher" AND "Garage")
After a couple hours of googling and looking through hibernate documentation haven't been able to find a solution that won't give me an error. My guess is that the solution is pretty simple and I am just over-thinking it...anyone have any suggestions?