I'm working on a site that involves displaying a ton of product images from a variety of online retailers. Since most of the page weight is in the images, I thought it'd be worth looking into techniques for trimming down the file size a bit more.
The images are already JPEGs. I know PNGs have a lot of extra cruft that can balloon the file size considerably, but I have less experience with JPEGs. So, a couple related questions:
Is it worth further compressing the JPEGs? Seems like further compressing something that's already in a lossy format could lead to more harm (poor quality) than good (saving 10+% on the file size).
Are there other techniques to reducing the filesize? I don't know if the EXIF metadata or other metadata are a part of any of these images, and if cutting those is a substantial improvement.
Any experience / recommendations for using GD or ImageMagick (or something else?) There's also commercial image compression library from a company called Spinwave.