




I want java to be installed in my leopard macbook. But cudnt find the jdk kit for mac in sun java site. Where shud i look for it?

+1  A: 

It comes with the OS.

Try "java -version" in Terminal.

Apple is maintaining this version, not Sun. It gets updated using Software Update, and there may be downloads (for beta versions) at the Apple Developer Connection site.

"java" is part of the JRE, not the JDK. To check the JDK version, use "javac -version"
Java is also part of the JDK, it may simply redirect to ../jre/bin/java, but it's added.
Chris Kaminski
+1  A: 

You need to install the Xcode developer tools. The JDK is included there. Before you do that, though, you can check if it is already installed by using javac -version. To find out where it is located, you can run the command which javac, although it will most likely be a symlink to somewhere else.

Michael Aaron Safyan
I think the JDK is installed even without the dev tools.
@Thilo, thanks. I'm not sure, that's why I pointed him to check.
Michael Aaron Safyan
Even with dev tools, you need to install the API docs separately. http://developer.apple.com/ or http://developers.sun.com/downloads/
@trashgod, who wants to waste the space for that? IMHO, the online docs are good enough: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/
Michael Aaron Safyan

You may want to try soylatte or openJDK from Mac Ports . Also, Apple has download section of java too ( http://developer.apple.com/java/download/ ) you didn't tell what architecture you are using which has some impact.

+3  A: 

The JDK is already installed on Mac OS X 10.5. If you go to /Applications/Utilities you will see Java Preferences. There you can select between the versions of Java you would like to use, including version 6 (6 is only 64-bit so if you have a 32-bit Core Duo Macbook you'll have to use SoyLatte).

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Mark Robinson