



Is there an open source project that can serve as a good example on how to use the maven site plugin to generate reports? I would prefer it to

  • consist of many modules, possibly hierarchically structured
  • use as many plugins as possible (surefire, jxr, pmd, findbugs, javadoc, checkstyle, you name it)
  • the reports should be aggregated: if some tests fail you want to have a single page that shows all modules with failing tests, not only a gazillion individual pages to check
  • include enterprisey stuff (WAR, EAR etc), but this is not so important.

The idea is to have something where you can gather ideas on how it is done and what is possible.

+1  A: 

I don't think there is such a project, if there is I want to know it as well. In order to find things in maven you have to know what you're looking for(which is not exactly the same with what you want to accomplish).

If its any help I'm building 13 module project with MAVEN, use cobertura maven plugin, surefire, javadoc, etc .. it works as charm, why are you asking this question, you want to determine the capabilities of maven or ?

+1 for the goodwill :)
Pascal Thivent
@Pascal Thivent tnx :D
+2  A: 

I gave up trying to aggregate reports of a complex multi-modules project with the maven-site-plugin. For this, I use Sonar, it's much more powerful (with features like evolution of metrics over time, aggregation, neat drill down, etc) and just works. Have a look at Nemo, the online demo instance and cry.

Pascal Thivent
Yes, Sonar just works for that sort of reporting.
Mike Cornell
+1  A: 

this is actually a response to your question. please take a look at the Apache Directory project. it contains two big blocks: the directory server and the tooling support (Eclipse based).

you can find the SVN repository of the Apache Directory Studio (this is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server) here:

take a look at the POM file ( ) of this multi module project. it consists out of lots of modules, uses most of the plug-ins you're using and it also aggregates some of the reports.this

Stefan De Boey