157,453796 = hex 18068A
157,455093 = hex 180697
71,5037 = hex E91D00
71,506104 = hex E93500
71,507103 = hex E93F00
0 = hex 000000
I know exactly what it is not IEEE 754
157,453796 = hex 18068A
157,455093 = hex 180697
71,5037 = hex E91D00
71,506104 = hex E93500
71,507103 = hex E93F00
0 = hex 000000
I know exactly what it is not IEEE 754
Here is a tutorial on how to convert from base 10 to hex. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/55783.html
The following depends on the byte-order of your processor architecture and thus can't be read back on every system:
double f = 10020.2093;
char acz[sizeof(double)+1] = '\0';
std::copy((char*)(&f), ((char*)&f)+sizeof(double), acz);