How can we detect if a directed graph is cyclic? I thought using breadth first search, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
Usually depth-first search is used instead. I don't know if BFS is applicable easily.
In DFS, a spanning tree is built in order of visiting. If a the ancestor of a node in the tree is visited (i.e. a back-edge is created), then we detect a cycle.
See for a more detailed explanation.
Another simple solution would be a mark-and-sweep approach. Basically, for each node in tree you flag it as "visited" and then move on to it's children. If you ever see a node with the "visted" flag set, you know there's a cycle.
If modifying the graph to include a "visited" bit isn't possible, a set of node pointers can be used instead. To flag a node as visited, you place a pointer to it in the set. If the pointer is already in the set, there's a cycle.
What you really need, I believe, is a topological sorting algorithm like the one described here:
If the directed graph has a cycle then the algorithm will fail.
The comments/replies that I've seen so far seem to be missing the fact that in a directed graph there may be more than one way to get from node X to node Y without there being any (directed) cycles in the graph.