





i have installed sfDoctrineGuardUser and have created this model that inherits sfGuardUser model:

     extends: sfGuardUser
     type: simple
     nombre_apellidos: string(60)
     sexo: boolean
     fecha_nac: date
     provincia: string(60)
     localidad: string(255)
     email_address: string(255)
     avatar: string(255)
     avatar_mensajes: string(255)

I have also created a module called 'miembros' based on that model.

Well, I log normally through sfGuardAuth/signin, then i go to "miembros/edit/id/$id_of_the_member_i_used_to_log_in" and push 'Save' button. Then i logout.

If i try to log in again, it says: "The username and/or password is invalid".

Later, i have realized that when click 'Save' the value of the field 'password' changes (well its encrypted version). So that is the reason why i can not then log in.

But, why the value of the password change when i click on 'Save' ???




The sf_guard_user object isn't intended to be extended like this via inheritance. A mechanism is provided to let you link a "profile" object to a user. I have seen people use a method similar to yours, but haven't tried it myself, so not sure if this is a common issue with doing that. But I'd check that all your model and form classes properly inherit each other, including the Pluginxxxx classes from the plugin folder.


Did you display the old password in the password form field ? in this case it could be displayed encrypted and thus encrypted a second time on saving.

Hashes are typically not decypherable, so you should not display the password on a field.

This is a common problem when working with sfGuard. Here are 2 solutions, there is probably others that will answer this issue :

  1. Do not let user changer user's password in this form and create a separate form for password reset
  2. Let password form field empty by default, and save it only when the user types in a new password

I usually get into the second way, here is the form class used :

class ewaSfGuardUserForm extends sfGuardUserForm
  public function configure()
  //  parent::configure();

    //"virtual" new password fields, empty by default
    $this->widgetSchema['new_password'] = new sfWidgetFormInputPassword();
    $this->widgetSchema['new_password_bis'] = new sfWidgetFormInputPassword();

    $error_messages = array('min_length' => 'Passwords must be at least 4 characters long.');
    $this->validatorSchema['new_password'] = new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false, 'min_length' => 4), $error_messages);
    $this->validatorSchema['new_password_bis'] = new sfValidatorString(array('required' => false, 'min_length' => 4), $error_messages);

    $error_messages = array('invalid' => 'New password didn\'t match confirmation');

    //validate identical password
    $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('new_password', '==', 'new_password_bis', array(), $error_messages));
      new sfValidatorAnd(array(
        new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUser', 'column' => array('email_address'))),
        new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUser', 'column' => array('username')), array('invalid' => 'Email is already in use for another account')),
        new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('new_password', '==', 'new_password_bis', array(), $error_messages)
    //unused fields

    //putting back validator for real password field
    $this->validatorSchema['password'] = new sfValidatorPass();

The other part is in action class sf_guard_userActions

  protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
    $requestParams = $request->getParameter($form->getName());
    $requestParams['password'] = $requestParams['new_password'];
    $requestParams['email_address'] = $requestParams['username'];
    $form->bind($requestParams, $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
    if ($form->isValid())
        [....] Copy of generated code


The specificity of my implementation is it always force uses email == username.

I do not use an extended model for storing user's profile, but I override defaut sfGuardUser doctrine table to add extra fields like first name, last name, etc. It works this way, perhaps doctrine inheritance would have been better.
