



I have made a bunch of changes to a number of files in a project. Every commit (usually at the file level) was accompanied by a comment of what was changed.

Is there a way to get a list from CVS of these comments on changes since the last tagged version?

Bonus if I can do this via the eclipse CVS plugin.

UPDATE: I'd love to accept an answer here, but unfortunately none of the answers are what I am looking for. Frankly I don' think it is actually possible, which is a pity really as this could be a great way to create a change list between versions (Assuming all commits are made at a sensible granularity and contain meaningful comments).

+1  A: 

The options for the cvs log command are available here. Specifically, to get all the commits since a specific tag (lets call it VERSION_1_0)

cvs log -rVERSION_1_0:

If your goal is to have a command that works without having to know the name of the last tag I believe you will need to write a script that grabs the log for the current branch, parses through to find the tag, then issues the log command against that tag, but I migrated everything off of CVS quite a while ago, so my memory might be a bit rusty.

Louis Gerbarg
hmm It looks like the -r indicates a file revision number not a specific tag.
Ron Tuffin
at least my cvs prints tags, author and dates... but not the comments

If you want to get a quick result on a single file, the cvs log command is good. If you want something more comprehensive, the best tool I've found for this is a perl script called This can generate a change list in several different formats. It has many different options, but I've used the tag-to-tag options like this: --delta dev_release_1_2_3:dev_release_1_6_8

or --delta dev_release_1_2_3:HEAD

I have also done comparisons using dates with the same tool.

Alex B