I have used the module Mail::Webmail::Gmail to read the new messages in my Gmail account.
I have written the following code for this purpose:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Mail::Webmail::Gmail;
my $gmail = Mail::Webmail::Gmail->new(
username => 'username', password => 'password',
my $messages = $gmail->get_messages( label => $Mail::Webmail::Gmail::FOLDERS{ 'INBOX' } );
foreach ( @{ $messages } ) {
if ( $_->{ 'new' } ) {
print "Subject: " . $_->{ 'subject' } . " / Blurb: " . $_->{ 'blurb' } . "\n";
But it didn't print anything.
Can anyone help me in this or suggest any other module for this?
Thanks in advance.