




I have my domain object, Client, I've got a form on my JSP that is pre-populated with its data, I can take in amended values, and persist the object.

Client has an abstract entity called MarketResearch, which is then extended by one of three more concrete sub-classes.

I have a form to pre-populate some MarketResearch data, but when I make changes and try to persist the Client, it doesn't get saved, can someone give me some pointers on where I've gone wrong?

My 3 domain classes are as follows (removed accessors etc)

public class Client extends NamedEntity
    @JoinColumn(name = "MARKET_RESEARCH_ID")
    private MarketResearch marketResearch;

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public abstract class MarketResearch extends AbstractEntity

public class MarketResearchLocalGovernment extends MarketResearch

    @Column(name = "CURRENT_HR_SYSTEM")
    private String currentHRSystem;

This is how I'm persisting

public void persistClient(Client client)
    if (client.getId() != null)
    } else

To summarize, if I change something on the parent object, it persists, but if I change something on the child object it doesn't. Have I missed something blatantly obvious?

I've put a breakpoint right before the persist/merge calls, I can see the updated value on the object, but it doesn't seem to save. I've checked at database level as well, no luck


+2  A: 

You need to set a proper cascade option on @OneToOne in order to get your operations cascaded:

@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "MARKET_RESEARCH_ID") 
private MarketResearch marketResearch; 
Thanks, that did the trick. I actually tried that earlier, seems I needed to re-run rather than just hitting "rebuild" in netbeans. Noob error ;)