




I want to be able to have say 10 admin users store all their documents on google docs for a domain (''), and have everyone else be able to view them through ''. I'm just not certain how the whole authentication thing works in that case. Should I use OAuth, or would ClientLogin suffice?

I would like it so the user has no idea they're accessing google docs, so I don't want them to have to say "Yes, Authenticate this App with Google", as seen in this Doclist Manager App.

The app is basically:

  1. Admin stores a bunch of forms and documents
  2. User uses form and views documents the admin has posted

... so there's no need to access the user's Google Docs. But it seems like AuthSub and OAuth are addressing that instead...

I've used ClientLogin with the gdata gem to successfully view everything in the google api for my personal account, where the base url is:

However, when I try that same method with Google Apps (for, and the root url is, I am able to retrieve the document feed but receive a "Moved Temporarily" message when I try to access the document at

I can view it fine on my personal account at however. What am I missing?

Thanks for the tips.