




Alright, I know how the fieldset/legend works out in html. Say you have a form with some fields:

        <input name="input1" />

What should I use the legend for? It's being displayed as a title, but isn't a legend semantically an explanation of the contents? In my view, preferably you'd do something like this:

        <legend>* = required</legend>
        <label for="input1">input 1 *</label><input id="input1" name="input1" />

But that doesn't really work out with how fieldsets are rendered. Is this just a ambigious naming in html, or is it my misunderstanding of the english word 'legend'?

Edit: fixed some errors ;-)

+4  A: 

Yes, the naming is ambiguous. Best to consider it as a caption for the fieldset

See http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.10 if you haven't already

The LEGEND element allows authors to assign a caption to a FIELDSET. The legend improves accessibility when the FIELDSET is rendered non-visually.

+1  A: 

I guess you meant to write

        <input name="input1" />

but you're right in part. The word legend has several meanings including

  • An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.
  • An explanatory table or list of the symbols appearing on a map or chart.

So it can in fact mean both.

+1  A: 

When you say that the legend "It's being displayed as a title".. clearly it depends on the CSS involved. When you don't specify CSS yourself, each browser uses its own built-in styles, which may or may not be the best thing ever.

I agree that a legend is different than a title... I don't necessarily think that the legend is the right place for something like "* = required" (that seems just a cautionary piece of information for the user, not really an explanation of the fieldset itself).

A legend, after all, can be defined as a caption, or brief description accompanying an illustration (usually; something other than an image in this case).

As far as how it gets displayed, again, CSS gives you power to make it appear (or not) as you see fit.

+1  A: 
Nicholas Piasecki
+1  A: 

The <legend> element is the semantic equivalent of a "headline" or "title" for the group of form controls contained by the <fieldset>.

The FIELDSET element allows authors to group thematically related controls

which means fieldsets should group together several form controls -- not just a single pair of <input> and <legend>.

In fact <div>s, <p>s, or <li>s are quite suitable containers for <input> + <legend> pairs.

Már Örlygsson