




I know this is very similar to a few other questions, but I can't quite get this function to work correctly.

def flatten(*args):
    return list(item for iterable in args for item in iterable)

The output I'm looking for is:

flatten(1) -> [1]
flatten(1,[2]) -> [1, 2]
flatten([1,[2]]) -> [1, 2]

The current function, which I took from another SO answer, doesn't seem to produce correct results at all:

>>> flatten([1,[2]])
[1, [2]]
+5  A: 

For a quick solution, just take your second function and make it recursive.

def flatten(*args):
    output = []
    for arg in args:
        if hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
    return output
Pieter Witvoet
+4  A: 

If you want to flatten arbitrarily nested lists you need a recursive function:

def flatten(ls):
  if isinstance(ls, list):
     return [fa for a in ls for fa in flatten(a)]
     return [ls]

(If you expect to flatten big structures this could be made more efficient by using generators instead of returning lists.)

This function can also be reused to create a function that takes multiple parameters:

def pflatten(*ls):
   return flatten(list(ls))
The input argument should be `*ls`. That does make a difference, doesn't it? And `hasattr(a, '__iter__')` is slightly more versatile than `isinstance` isn't it?
@Mark: Currently the function takes one argument, and if it's a list, it flattens it. It could also be done with `*ls`, so that the function takes several parameters and creates a flat list of their concatenations. What interface you prefer is just a matter of taste, I'd say. Similar for `isinstance(a, list)` vs. `hasattr(a, '__iter__')`: It just depends what kind of result you want when you give it a list of lists of sets. A list of sets or a list of all the elements in all the sets? Depending on your requirements one or the other would be preferable.
Well yes, but this question was specifically about the latter (`*ls`). I see your point about sets though... not planning on using those, but tuples should definitely be converted to a flat list.
@Mark: Oops, you are of course right, the question is about `*ls`... I edited a little additional function into my answer to cover that case :). To also cover tuples, probably the easiest way would be to add `or isinstance(ls, tuple)` to the check in `flatten()`.
Your `pflatten` doesn't work. Did you try it? I get `pflatten(1,[2]) -> [(1, [2])]` which is the sort of problem I was having when I posted this Q. Don't worry about it tho..... *my* solution does seem to work ;)

Solved it...

def flatlist(*args):
    lst = []
    for a in args:
        if hasattr(a, '__iter__'): lst.extend(flatlist(*a))
        else: lst.append(a)
    return lst