




i am using vbscript to call a batch file. my script looks like:

dim shell  
set shell=createobject("wscript.shell")  
shell.run "a.bat"  
set shell=nothing     

my batch file is simple and looks like:

cd D:\d  
winzip32.exe -min -a D:\a  

i want to pass a variable from a script to the batch file. lets say the destination folder.
how do i do that?
any help is very much appreciated.

+2  A: 

I think that you can just pass variables to the batch file. You can call it like:

shell.run "a.bat var1 var2"

And in your batch file, you can refer to them as:

%1 for "var1"
%2 for "var2"

And you can do this from %1 to %9.

Adrian Faciu
its working. thanks a lot
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Adrian Faciu