



I know WF designer has re-hosting capability. Since it's WPF-based, I thought it might be rehostable in web, using silverlight.

Does anyone have any experiece regarding this? Or, does anyone know an easy and powerful web-based workflow designer solution for WF?

+1  A: 

Hi, I'm working in the "WF area" too: the designer can't be rehosted in a web page. Keep in mind that WPF is quite different from Silverlight.

Not really answering you question, but... have a look at SnapFlow.

If you find something useful don't forget to write a short note here. ;-)

Fabrizio C.
SnapFlow look interesting. Just curious but is it using Windows Workflow Foundation and if so 3 or 4 or some other workflow engine?
@Maurice: I don't know all the details, but here ( you can find some more information. They state the engine is WF (no version info).
Fabrizio C.

I've rehosted but used C# (VS 2010 RC) to do it.

This article on MSDN gives you quick examples on how to do it, which even though is not web/silverlight, it may give you some idea of how it can be done. (e.g. Which objects you need to create)

EDIT: Like Fabrizio i waould also be interested if anyone can find a way to do it.

I've seen a lot of doc on how to rehost it. What I'm interested in, is to have a web-based designer.

In this blog post

you can find an example based on WPF.

So long!

John Ortiz