



I'm using mod rewrite to redirect all requests targeting non-existent files/directories to index.php?url=*

This is surely the most common thing you do with mod_rewrite yet I have a problem:

Naturally, if the page url is "", the browser will look for images, stylesheets and relative links in the "virtual" directory "".

Problem 1:

  • Is using the base tag the best solution? I see that none of the PHP frameworks out there use the base tag, though.

  • I'm currently having a regex replace all the relative links to point to the right path before output. Is that "okay"?

Problem 2:

It is possible that the server doesn't support mod_rewrite. However, all public files like images, stylesheets and the requests collector index.php are located in the directory /myapp/public. Normally mod_rewrite points all request to /public so it seems as if public was actually the root directory too all users.

However if there is no mod_rewrite, I then have to point the users to /public from the root directory with a header() call. That means, however that all links are broken again because suddenly all images, etc. have to be called via /public/myimage.jpg

Additional info: When there is no mod_rewrite the above request would look like this:

  • What would be the best solutions for both problems?

Edit/Additional question:

Is there a way to make /public/ the base dir using plain htaccess code?

+2  A: 

Write the app in such a way that it doesn't need mod_rewrite to function (at the cost of having "ugly" urls). Progressively enhance it with mod_rewrite to achieve the desired result. This probably means that you'll need to store some base path config info in your app.

Ty W
+1  A: 

I don't understand these problems at all. Yes, this is surely the most common thing you do with mod_rewrite, yet with 2 conditions:

RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

So, nothing hurt your existing images.

Why not to use just absolute path, e.g. /myapp/public/myimage.jpg, so, no virtual directory will hurt image path?

Col. Shrapnel
I think you don't understand the question at all.
@psil I think quite contrary. You devised your problems out of nowhere. You're doing usual thing unusual way. Why not to use plain and simple solutions?
Col. Shrapnel
Well, he took the time to help you so why not explain to him what he's not understanding? In fact, explain it to me too because I think Col. Shrapnel's answer is correct.

what about path info? You could use it without mod_rewrite


echo $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]; // outputs /path/to/another/file.jpg

Anyways, if you want to know if mod_rewrite is supported by your server :

echo "mod_rewrite : ".(!empty($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"])?"supported":"not supported");

Then you ll know if mod_rewrite is the solution or maybe path_info is more well suited for you, you could make support functions that could look for both too.
