You need to analyze the returned data set, to determine what is a logical, (meaningful) primary key for the result set that is being returned. In general this WILL be much faster than the complete procedure, because the server is not constructing a result set from data in all the columns of each row of each table, it is simply counting the rows... In general, it may not even need to read the actual table rows off disk to do this, it may simply need to count index nodes...
Then write another SQL statement that only includes the tables necessary to generate those key columns (Hopefully this is a subset of the tables in the main sql query), and the same where clause with the same filtering predicate values...
Then add another Optional parameter to the Stored Proc called, say, @CountsOnly, with a default of false (0) as so...
Alter Procedure <storedProcName>
@param1 Type,
-- Other current params
@CountsOnly TinyInt = 0
Set NoCount On
If @CountsOnly = 1
Select Count(*)
From TableA A
Join TableB B On etc. etc...
Where < here put all Filtering predicates >
<Here put old SQL That returns complete resultset with all data>
Return 0
You can then just call the same stored proc with @CountsOnly set equal to 1 to just get the count of records. Old code that calls the proc would still function as it used to, since the parameter value is set to default to false (0), if it is not included