I used Netbeans6.7 to write a servlet, when it runs, it opens a browser window with this address : http://localhost:8080/My_App/Test_Servlet, I replaced the "localhost" with my IP address, now it looks like this : http://192.???.1.??:8080/My_App/Test_Servlet, but I tried to access it from another computer outside my home, it can't read anything, I wonder if I need to change Windows Fire Wall setting to allow outside traffic, it's a Paypal IPN app, so I call Paypal, they said they can't access : http://192.???.1.??:8080/My_App/Test_Servlet
What on my side should I do to allow traffic from "paypal.com" to access "My_App/Test_Servlet" ?
Partial success ! After I read the articles, set up static IP, port forwaring, I can send one message from Paypal's test IPN page, when I tried to send a second one it couldn't go through, so I stop started my servlet, then I could send another ONE, message, failed again on the 2nd one, why ? Frank