




I resolved this issue myself. It turns out that the activation framework requires some libraries that aren't native to android, myjava.awt.datatransfer, org.apache.harmony.awt.*, and org.apache.harmony.misc. Once i added those libraries everything worked fine.

I'm trying to use the gdata java client library on android and have managed a decent hack to get it working. However because the jar for gdata had some package discrepancies with android I had to import the source into my project. This source is dependent on the JavaMail API and the JavaBeans Activation Framework as specified here.

My issue is that the JavaMail jar throws a class definition not found when seeking a class which is in the Activation Framework jar. A stack trace is listed below. I am working in Eclipse and have both jars in a lib folder and added to my build path. I'm not very experienced dealing with jars in a situation like this so any help or insight would be appreciated.

03-29 09:55:26.204: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331): Uncaught handler: thread AsyncTask #3 exiting due to uncaught exception
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground()
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done(AsyncTask.java:200)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerSetException(FutureTask.java:273)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:124)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:307)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:137)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1068)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:561)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.activation.DataHandler
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.setContent(MimeBodyPart.java:684)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at com.google.gdata.data.media.MediaBodyPart.<init>(MediaBodyPart.java:95)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at com.google.gdata.data.media.MediaMultipart.<init>(MediaMultipart.java:126)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at com.google.gdata.client.media.MediaService.insert(MediaService.java:382)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:185)
03-29 09:55:26.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(331):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:305)
+1  A: 

Looks like it doesn't support android. Maybe in a future SDK. Link Since it runs with the Davlik Runtime and not the standard JRE there are probably missing classes that aren't in the Davlik JRE.

that bug linked is actually one I've already dealt with this one is specific to the activation and mail jars. I'm beginning to think i'll simply have to include the source for those jars as well.

I resolved this issue myself. It turns out that the activation framework requires some libraries that aren't native to android, myjava.awt.datatransfer, org.apache.harmony.awt.*, and org.apache.harmony.misc. Once i added those libraries everything worked fine.
