



I'm working on a site that still has a lot of scripts in ColdFusion. I need to move it to a new server. I much prefer Apache/Linux instead of IIS/Windows. I've seen some info here and there about running ColdFusion on Apache/Linux. Is that a stable setup?

+7  A: 

It's perfectly stable. I ran a hosting company with ColdFusion 4 through 6.1 running first on Fedora and later CentOS. I used to work for Nationwide and deployed a major application there using ColdFusion 6.1 and later 7 of Red Hat ES.

I've written an extensive article on what you'll run into when moving a ColdFusion application from Windows to Linux.

You can find more info about running ColdFusion on Linux here or by searching

+4  A: 

Absolutely (32bit and 64bit) - you can see a list of officially supported platforms on the Adobe site:

Linux OS:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.3 Ubuntu 9.04

Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63 and later

John Whish

I have had absolutely no problem ever running Coldfusion on Apache on linux.

In fact, I had a windows NT 3.51 server running Apache (for windows) beta for several years, with Coldfusion 4.5. Zero issues.

The server still runs and I only turned it off because it was outdated.

Jas Panesar

I have run Allaire, (no!!), Macromedia... (No!) Adobe Coldfusion on GNU/Linux since Debian Woody (2003), (usually on unsupported distros). It works fine, as long as you understand that you can't purchase support. I even clustered them, but the Apache connector can cause some angst.
