



This question is related to the question posted here:

I'm using the WCF Behavior Extension with Custom Credentials demonstrated on MSDN here:

The only difference is that I'm using the Custom Token created from the WCF Custom Token Sample in the SDK. This involves creating a CreditCard credentials.

Having all the code in place I add the extension through the WCF Configuration GUI. I know it's working because it recognizes the type and adds the extensions to the config file.

      <add name="creditCardServiceCredentials" type="CreditCard.CreditCardServiceCredentialsConfigHandler, CreditCard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
      <add name="creditCardClientCredentials" type="CreditCard.CreditCardClientCredentialsConfigHandler, CreditCard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

After adding those elements I can use the WCF Configuration GUI to add the custom behaviors to the service behaviors element or the endpoint behaviors element. I don't see the properties though but it does show the type itself as it were a ServiceCredentials or ClientCredentials type.

Though, when I use the editor itself it doesn't show up in intellisense or as a recognized element.

I'm referencing the project that contains the credit card credentials configuration handlers; so the DLL is in the service's bin\Debug directory. It's odd that it still doesn't work though :(

+1  A: 

If you are wanting to extend the visual studio xml editor with intellisense, take a look at this article:

So when you add a custom config section or in this case a behavior extension, is it correct to assume that Visual Studio will not know what to put there?