I'm thinking about how to do this, but I have several different shapes of Data in my Database, Articles, NewsItems, etc.
They All have something in common, they all have IDs (in the DB they're named ArticleID, NewsID etc. )
They all have a Title
They all have BodyText.
They all have a Status
They all have a DateAdded
What I'd like to do is standard class inheritance.
I'd like a Master Class (I don't need to write this to the database) called Content with fields like:
- ID
- Title
- SubTitle
- BodyText
- Status
- AddedDate
I'm not sure how I can do this with the ORM. Why I want this is because then I can pass a list of COntent to my UserControl which is responsible for Rendering it. It will only need the information that is common to all objects.
Is this even possible?