



I am using TexMaker of Karmic Ubuntu with Okular. I use pdfLatex to compile and I view the PDFs in Okular. How can I configure Okular to inverse search with TexMaker? I have tried the following code:

texmaker %f -line %l

but it does not work. I have tried double clicking, ctrl+click, shift+click, ctrl+shift+click, ctrl+alt+click, alt+shift+click, still nothing. Perhaps I simply don't know what the action is to initiate the inverse search from within Okular.

How can I configure Okular to inverse search with TexMaker?

+1  A: 

Okular's page says it only supports pdfsync, which is the older of the two inverse search technologies. Go to configure in Okular, and make sure your editor is set to texmaker. Then ensure that you have pdfsync active.


Okular 0.10 also supports synctex which apparently works much better.

However Karmic still uses Texlive 2007 which has a buggy and broken synctex.

Lucid will have TexLive 2009 which should make inverse search a lot easier.

Niall Murphy