




Currently I am using Canvas2Image to save the content of my HTML5 canvas. It doesn't appear to work in Google Chrome, however. Any ideas on how to work around the issue are welcome. :)

+1  A: 

canvas.toDataURL() appears to work fine in Chrome, so it may be a library issue. The "convert canvas to image" functionality seems to work, though.

Okay. The library uses toDataUrl and "document.location.href" for providing save dialog. Apparently "document.location.href" isn't supported by Chrome.
Any progress with this: is it possible to get a Save As... dialog in Chrome as for Firefox?
Sam Dutton
+1  A: 

Yes i did it! =)

Take a look into www.assembla.com/code/codetodiagram/subversion/nodes/experimental/canvasBox/default/CanvasBox.js?rev=239#ln1235. You can see it running on http://www.thiagomata.com/codetodiagram/svn/experimental/canvasBox/classDiagram/classDiagram.html.

To make the image dont show into the browser but be as one donwload, i need to create this simple php file: www.assembla.com/code/codetodiagram/subversion/nodes/experimental/canvasBox/default/download.php?rev=239

I need to create a close.html to the browser dont keep a about:blank page after the download start www.assembla.com/code/codetodiagram/subversion/nodes/experimental/canvasBox/default/close.html?rev=239

I will probaly make a big post about it into the thiagomata.blog.com but i think with this files you will already be able to find the way.

Maybe, if you read this post in the future the thiagomata.com link can be broken because i will soon migrate this project to the codetodiagram.com.

That's it! Thiago Mata

Thiago Mata
Thanks for sharing your approach!

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var strDataURI = canvas.toDataURL("image/png;base64"); document.write('');
