




I am working on a database schema, and am trying to make some decisions about table names. I like at least somewhat descriptive names, but then when I use suggested foreign key naming conventions, the result seems to get ridiculous. Consider this example:

Suppose I have table


And it has a foreign key that references


in the



Now when I create the foreign key name based on fk_[referencing_table]__[referenced_table]_[field_name] I end up with this maddness:


Would this type of a foreign key name cause me problems down the road, or is it quite common to see this?

Also, how do the more experienced database designers out there handle the conflict between descriptive naming for readability vs. the long names that result?

I am using MySQL and MySQL Workbench if that makes any difference.



Received the answers I needed below, but I wanted to mention that after some testing, I discovered that MySQL does have a limit on how long the FK name can be. So using the naming convention I mentioned, and descriptive table names, meant that in two instances in my db I had to shorten the names to avoid the MySQL 1059 error

Thanks again.

+3  A: 

Why do you care what the FK names are? You never see them in code or use them. We also name our tables quite descriptively and commonly have names like this, using SQL Server. It doesn't matter to us, because we never seen them. They are just there to enforce data.

Randy Minder
+1, Name your tables well and forget about how long the FK names are! about the only time you ever see the FK name is when there is an error, and the long FK name is good then.
@Randy Minder: Well, when one is new to a topic, one doesn't know all the implications :) I wasn't sure if the FK names did get used elsewhere that would cause me trouble or coding problems later. Thanks for your "pointed" answer! I did discover since posting the question that MySQL has a limit on name length. One other question: does the name length affect DB performance in anyway?
Carvell Fenton
Thanks KM, that is a good point to add to the above answer.
Carvell Fenton
+1  A: 

FK names are important for maintenance. Generally I only refernce the FK and the two table names, not the fields in the names. If you have named your fields correctly, it will be obvious what the fields are.

@HLGEM - thanks, I think you have provided insight to some of my other questions :) I was wondering about including the field names. I have named the fields the same in each table, so perhaps including that in the FK name is redundant.
Carvell Fenton