I have two forms on a web page.
The first is not an actual form since this is a .NET based site. So instead I have the standard input fields, along with asp:Button PostBackURL="http:/www...". One of the fields is "email". That works fine.
Then I have an XSLT file with another form, and am using Javascript (via this.form.action, .method, etc) to post that form. Besides that it has the same fields as the form above.
The problem is that when someone submits the second form, the script at the PostBackURL returns an error because the "email" field appears empty. So it seems as though the form is submitting the "email" field form the top form instead of the current one.
I thought maybe the wrong form is being submitted, but if I remove the "email" field from the top form, and then submit the bottom one, it works fine.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.