




Hi there,

I am looking for a regex pattern to find all the content b/w curly brackets. For example, there is a string.

$string = {xxx yyy zzz}

I want to find a regex pattern so that it can extract the "xxx yyy zzz" out but no {}.

Thank you very much for your help.

+5  A: 

If the {} are not nested,


If you're using PCRE and they're nested ref,


Otherwise, make a simple parser.

To elaborate, you'll need to pull the first group match out using whatever language you're executing the regex in. For example, in javascript it would be: `text.match(/{([^}]*)}/)[1]`.
I'm testing on PHP. Here is my code.$string ='start {first fine me} and {second find me}'; preg_match_all("/{([^{][^}]*)}/", $string, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $value) { echo $value;echo "<br/>"; }What I want is this.first fine mesecond find meBut I still get this with the pattern.{first fine me}{second find me}
@Leon: `echo $value[1];`

It will be returned in the first capture.

Tim Harper
this has possibly incorrect behavior if the string looks like '{xxx yyy zzz} {aaa bbb}', FWIW. I say "possibly" since the original question doesn't really say if this sort of input is possible or likely, or what the expected output would be in such a case.
Bryan Oakley
It could be anything inside {}.I tested the pattern but it still has the {} in the return result.
stackoverflow munched my backslashes. grr.
Tim Harper

Thank you for the responses. I'm using PHP for testing. And here is my test code.

$string ='start {first find me} and {second find me}'; preg_match_all("/{([^{][^}]*)}/", $string, $matches); foreach($matches[0] as $value) { echo $value;echo "
"; }

I will have
{first find me}
{second find me}
But I expect
first find me
second find me



building on what Kenny already had, you have to check for extra stuff at the beggining, and add the global modifier. I'm not sure about php, but I can do it in javascript

var str = "start {first fine me} and {second find me}";
reStr = new RegExp(/[^\{]*\{([^}]*)\}/g);
var result = str.replace(reStr, "$1")

result will be "first fine mesecond find me"
