



This is at the framework level, not dealing directly with CSS, so posting to SO.

I just learned about the existence of CSS frameworks. 960 Grid System seems pretty awesome, then I found Blueprint, which seems to do the same thing and more.

Is there a better word than "framework" to categorize this?

Are there any other products in this category?
In response to one of the comments, "how many example frameworks do you want? he just listed two of them.", I'd love to have more than two examples, unless those are the only two in the running.


I think the word "framework" is okay to use here because it denotes a collection of useful, reusable components that abstract away the repetitious and error-prone aspects of a project and allow you, the developer, to focus on the task at hand.

Traditionally a framework is an programming API (which these CSS frameworks are not) so you could be pedantic and say that these CSS foundations are not frameworks.

Andrew Hare

Seems like "framework" in this case is more like a "scaffold" used in construction, and less like an actual programming MVC setup.

Well, "framework" doesn't always mean "MVC". :-) JQuery is certainly a framework and API on which other JQuery packages are built; it has nothing to do with MVC.
Dean J
+2  A: 

Here are a few more for your list

Have you used them?
Dean J
I have experimented with them and use bits and pieces like Elements external links plugin. Of those three, I am most intrigued by tripoli which has a more straight forward language for the styles, #primary, #secondary, etc.. and sets an excellent base for typography and forms. However, blueprint is the one I am stuck on mainly for the reason that I have that framework memorized and is the quickest for me to work with.
+2  A: 

Look at Elastic CSS Framework. Its main feature is that you are not enforced to have exactly N columns.


There are also: The Golden Grid

Emastic - CSS Framework

Malo - CSS Framework
