



Hello! I'm using Richfaces + HibernateQuery to create a data list. I'm trying to use Hibernate Projections to group my query result. Here is the code:

final DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria
     .forClass(Class.class, "c")

in the .xhtml file i have the following code:

  <rich:dataTable width="100%" id="dataTable" value="#{myBean.dataModel}" var="row">
<f:facet name="header">
 <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
 <h:outputText value="#{}"/>

But when i run the page it gives me the following error:

Error: value="#{}": The class 'java.lang.Long' does not have the property 'id'.

If i take out the Projection from the code it works correctly, but it doesn't group the result. So, which mistake could be happening here?

EDIT: Here is the full criteria:

final DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Event.class, "e");




if i take the "setProjection" line it works fine. I don't understand why it gives that error putting that line.

Here is the query i'm trying to do:

select e.event_id from event e
inner join event_product_group epg
  on e.event_id = epg.event_id
inner join product_group pg
  on pg.product_group_id = epg.product_group_id
where pg.description like '%TEXT%'
group by e.event_id
+1  A: 

ok if you are just wanting to project the unique id of an event then you do not need the group by. Just use Grouping by a unique id is just going to give you this list of ids anyway.

If you have unique idents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and you have a query that returns 1, 2, 3, 4 and tell it to group by the id then it is going to make 4 'groups' since those are unique ids :)

edit: well the project list and a collection of projection objects so you can append as many projection items as you want on there. Just keep adding them. I believe you use"property_name").

edit2: also which what you are doing you don't really need criteria. you could use HQL.

Arthur Thomas

Hey, it's me (Lucas). I lost the session, so i'm writing here. Actually i'll want to project more data from the dataBase than just the id.

lost the session? haha ok. You should sign back in with your original account and not make another one. eek.. username site clutter!
Arthur Thomas