I think the way you're describing it would work ok because behind the scenes I believe what Django is doing is using an SQL LIMIT
to simply let the database do the heavy lifting of sorting out what and how much data to return. Because the database is optimized for doing this type of thing it's probably a reasonable way to perform this.
The key will probably be to keep the query the same and as you've demonstrated you could use the same view to do that. The view could simply have a mode which is a fancy way of changing the pagination page count.
You could end up with urls like this...
# View all "landscape" items in gallery mode starting on page 3
# View the 45th landscape item in singular mode
When the template is rendered, the paginator will offer the has_next
and has_previous
methods letting you know if you can use render a Next/Previous link.
Here's what I'm thinking for the view, or something along these lines (this is totally un-tested and written off the top of my head)...
url(r'gallery/(?P<category>.+)/(?P<mode>.+)/(?P<offset>\d+)$', 'whatever.views.media_gallery'),
def media_gallery(request, category, mode, offset):
Render a media gallery.
category = media item category filter
mode = ( multi | single )
offset = The pagination offset in multi mode or the media ID in single mode
if mode == 'multi':
per_page = 20 # or however many items per page
elif mode == 'single':
per_page = 1
pass # handle this however
# Queryitems
raw_media_items = Media.objects.filter(category=category)
# Setup paginator
paginator = Paginator(raw_media_items, per_page)
# in multi mode offset is the page offset
# in single mode offset is the media ID
page = int(offset)
page = 1
media_items = paginator.page(page)
except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
media_items = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
if len(paginated_items) == 1:
# Render single view
return render_to_response('gallery/gallery_view.html',
{ 'media_item':media_items[0], 'paginator':paginator },
context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
# Render gallery view
return render_to_response('gallery/gallery_view.html',
{ 'media_items':media_items, 'paginator':paginator },
context_instance=RequestContext(request) )