



What is the best way to debug javascript from the eclipse IDE. I used "logging to console" features of firebug with firephp installed on top of it for debugging a kohana php project along with eclipse but they make the browser unstable when I make extensive use of jQuery. For example, "Permission denied to...a non-chrome context..." is one such error that is frequent in firebug.


You can try ATF (Ajax Tools Framework)

ATF provides tooling that allows a user to edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript applications and a framework on which adopters can build advanced and technology specific tools.
The functionality in ATF breaks down into three main areas:

  • Browser Tooling, alt text
  • JavaScript Debugger alt text
  • extensions for adopters

See this demo, the ATF Help page, and this thread.

alt text


How can I use javascript debug feature in Eclipse ? IDE for JavaScript Web Developers. Version: Helios Service Release 1 Build id: 20100917-0705

Each time i run javascript, it alway alert me that connectin refuse
