If you are working in Perl 5.10 and up (really 5.9 and up, but I don't count development releases), fields
creates a restricted hash. See Hash::Util for info on restricted hashes.
To get all the fields available to a restricted hash, use the legal_keys
or legal_ref_keys
use Hash::Util qw( legal_ref_keys );
my $froot = Fruit->new();
my @attribs = legal_ref_keys($froot);
You could do a number of things to generate your methods automatically:
- Create a temporary object during construction and query it for legal keys so that you can create attributes --- UGLY
- AUTOLOAD attributes by querying the object for a list of legal keys. CODE SMELL ALERT: this assumes that all subclasses will use the same underlying data structure.
- Access the
hash in the module to generate methods at compile time or through AUTOLOAD. MORE PROBLEMS - assumes that an unpublished bit of fields
pragma will remain.
- Define an array of attributes at compile time and autogenerate methods and set fields based on the value.
- Give up on writing all this boilerplate and use Moose.
Option 4:
package Fruit;
use strict;
use warnings;
BEGIN { @ATTRIBUTES = qw( color shape taste ); }
use fields @ATTRIBUTES;
for my $attrib ( @ATTRIBUTES ) {
my $getset = sub {
my $self = shift;
if( @_ ) {
$self->{$attrib} = shift;
return $self->{$attrib};
{ no strict 'refs';
*{$attrib} = $getset;
sub new {
my ( $class, $params ) = @_;
my $self = fields::new( $class ) unless ref $class;
foreach my $name ( keys %$params ) {
$self->{ $name } = $params->{ $name };
return $self;
Option 5.
package Fruit;
use Moose;
has 'color' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has 'shape' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has 'taste' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',