



As the title says, I would like to consume a WF workflow using a ASP.NET 1.1 client. The workflow is hosted on IIS as a .svc service.

I have a .NET 3.5 winforms test client that uses wsHttpContextBinding.

Because I need to put a WorkflowID in Context to have my workflow rehydrated and continued, I use this piece of code:

var Svc = new MyClient.MyService();

var Ctx = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Ctx.Add("instanceId", workflowID.ToString());

var CtxMgr = Svc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();


It's working fine this way.

Unfortunately, my ASP.NET 1.1 legacy appliction need to consume this workflow. I have setup an additional endpoint that uses basicHttpContextBinding.

I have read the context has to be passed to a cookie, and I'm stuck here as I have no clue about how to do this in the caller code.

MyClient.MyService Svc= new MyClient.MyService();

// How to set the workflowID ?


How can I set the context with a workflowID in the cookie ?


Apparently, there is no miracle nor solution. The workflowID has to be handled to the client side, which concerns me because the client is not aware about the server plumbing.
