



I'm doing long-polling with JSONP and firefox continually pops up the "Loading" spinner making the page seem like it hasn't finished loading. Is there a way to suppress this?

I've been told that the Orbited team has hacks for suppressing this, but looking through the Orbited.js code I cannot figure out what they are. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I don't have an answer, but I do have a suggested alternative. Someone else just asked a similar question and here's my answer.

Basically, if you have control of the server, the simplest solution is to use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers to OK cross-domain XMLHttpRequest and fall back to JSONP on old browsers.

I've provided a reasonably complete compatibility table (every userscript-capable browser) for CORS as part of the answer I linked to, as well as a more general one on Wikipedia.

...and, just for the record, your "accept rate" is sort of like an eBay star rating. You'd probably get a lot more answers if it didn't say "Less than a quarter of the people who helped me were rewarded for their time." (All you have to do is hand out "Best Answer" status on more of the questions you've already asked)