here's the method:
public static int chooseStrat ()
String[] strats = new String[1] ;
strats[0] = "0 - Blob" ;
int n ;
boolean a = false ;
while (a == false) ;
System.out.println ("Which strategy should the AI use?(#)") ;
printArrayS (strats) ;
n = getInt () ;
System.out.println ("you selected "+n+"."+" are you sure you want the computer to use the "+ strats[n]+ " ?(Y/N)") ;
String c = getIns () ;
while ((((!( (c.equals ("y")) || (c.equals ("Y")) )) && (!( (c.equals ("n")) || (c.equals ("N")) ) ) ))) ;
System.out.println ("try again") ;
c = getIns () ;
if ( (c.equals ("Y")) || (c.equals ("y")) )
a = true ;
return n ;
When i run this it never prints "Which strategy should the AI use?(#)" it just tries to get an entry from the keyboard. why does it do this?