




I have been working an ADO VBScript that needs to accept parameters and incorporate those parameters in the Query string that gets passed the the database. I keep getting errors when the Record Set Object attempts to open. If I pass a query without parameters, the recordset opens and I can work with the data. When I run the script through a debugger, the command object does not show a value for the parameter object. It seems to me that I am missing something that associates the Command object and Parameter object, but I do not know what. Here is a bit of the VBScript Code:

'Open Text file to collect SQL query string'
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fileName = "C:\SQLFUN\Limits_ADO.sql"
Set tso = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, FORREADING)

SQL = tso.ReadAll

'Create ADO instance'
 connString = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=myserver;UID=MyName;PWD=notapassword;   Database=favoriteDB"
 Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

  connection.Open connString
  cmd.ActiveConnection = connection
  cmd.CommandText = SQL
  cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

  Set paramTotals = cmd.CreateParameter
  With paramTotals
       .value = "tot%"
       .Name = "Param1"
  End With

  'The error occurs on the next line'
  Set recordset = cmd.Execute

  If recordset.EOF then
      WScript.Echo "No Data Returned"
      Do Until recordset.EOF
            WScript.Echo recordset.Fields.Item(0) ' & vbTab & recordset.Fields.Item(1)
  End If

The SQL string that I use is fairly standard except I want to pass a parameter to it. It is something like this:

SELECT column1
FROM table1
WHERE column1 IS LIKE ?

I understand that ADO should replace the "?" with the parameter value I assign in the script. The problem I am seeing is that the Parameter object shows the correct value, but the command object's parameter field is null according to my debugger.


I would parse the SQL and add in the parameters that way:

For example:

Dim strSQL : strSQL = "SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column1 IS LIKE ?"

strSQL = Replace(strSQL, "?", Param1)

I would then execute this SQL Command against the DB.

The Parameter object for for Stored Procedured. etc.

There's no difference between this and string concatenation from a SQL injection perspective. There's no reason to abandon parameterized queries in this example.
Cheran S

I never got CreateParameter doing what I wanted. Proper parameterization is a necessity to avoid SQL injection, but CreateParameter is a complete PITA. Thankfully, there's an alternative: Command.Execute takes in parameters directly.

dim cmd, rs, rows_affected
set cmd = Server.createObject("adodb.command")
cmd.commandText = "select from Foo where id=?"
set cmd.activeConnection = someConnection
set rs = cmd.execute(rows_affected, Array(42))

It's much nicer when wrapped up in a proper abstraction. I wrote my own database class wrapping ADODB.Connection so I wouldn't have to do all of this manually. It relies a bit on other custom classes, but the gist of it should be apparent:

class DatabaseClass
'   A database abstraction class with a more convenient interface than
'   ADODB.Connection. Provides several simple methods to safely query a
'   database without the risk of SQL injection or the half-dozen lines of
'   boilerplate otherwise necessary to avoid it.
'   Example:
'   dim db, record, record_set, rows_affected
'   set db = Database("/path/to/db")
'   set record = db.get_record("select * from T where id=?;", Array(42))
'   set record_set = db.get_records("select * from T;", empty)
'   rows_affected = db.execute("delete from T where foo=? and bar=?",
'                              Array("foo; select from T where bar=", true))

    private connection_
'       An ADODB connection object. Should never be null.

    private sub CLASS_TERMINATE
    end sub

    public function init (path)
'       Initializes a new database with an ADODB connection to the database at
'       the specified path. Path must be a relative server path to an Access
'       database. Returns me.

        set connection_ = Server.createObject ("adodb.connection")
        connection_.provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
        connection_.open Server.mapPath(path)

        set init = me
    end function

    public function get_record (query, args)
'       Fetches the first record returned from the supplied query wrapped in a
'       HeavyRecord, or nothing if there are no results. 

        dim data: set data = native_recordset(query, args)
        if data.eof then
            set get_record = nothing
            set get_record = (new HeavyRecordClass).init(data)
        end if
    end function

    public function get_records (query, args)
'       Fetches all records returned from the supplied query wrapped in a
'       RecordSet (different from the ADODB recordset; implemented below).

        set get_records = (new RecordSetClass).init(native_recordset(query, args))
    end function

    public function execute (query, args)
'       Executes the supplied query and returns the number of rows affected.

        dim rows_affected
        build_command(query).execute rows_affected, args
        execute = rows_affected
    end function

    private function build_command (query)
'       Helper method to build an ADODB command from the supplied query.

        set build_command = Server.createObject("adodb.command")
        build_command.commandText = query
        set build_command.activeConnection = connection_
    end function

    private function native_recordset (query, args)
'       Helper method that takes a query string and array of arguments, queries
'       the ADODB connection, and returns an ADODB recordset containing the
'       result.

        set native_recordset = build_command(query).execute( , args) ' Omits out-parameter for number of rows
    end function
end class
Thom Smith

After you create the parameter, you have to append it to the Command object's Parameters collection before you execute the Command:

Set paramTotals = cmd.CreateParameter
With paramTotals
    .Value = "tot%"
    .Name = "Param1"
End With

cmd.Parameters.Append paramTotals

You may also need to specify the Type and Size properties for the Parameter. Generally, I use the arguments of the CreateParameter function to set all the necessary properties in one line:

Set paramTotals = cmd.CreateParameter("Param1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, "tot%")
cmd.Parameters.Append paramTotals
Cheran S