It always goes back to Ultraedit.
Why can't we as a human race figure this out? netbeans, eclipse, zend studio (eclipse), etc don't do something very simple for programming, that most programmers -need to have- to keep a sound coding convention. Sure, it's true that coding style contributes to length of lines (erm microsoft programmers, perk your ears), but sometimes one cannot avoid long string literals. This is insanity! And yet I can't be mad or ungrateful because it's open source. And i -am- grateful. Still, one has to wonder wtf programmers who make these editors are actually using themselves.
I want an editor to wrap at column 80 or 120, not at the window's edge like notepad++. The only tool I've found that does hard/soft wrapping is ultraedit, so maybe I should try to see if I can get it to run under wine, since UE is the only 'real' editor that does it's job other than something weird / ugly / takes forever to learn and configure like emacs. And I am not going down that road- it gives me migranes to look at it because it's 2009 and we have cleartext and guis.
Is it really that difficult a problem to solve? If you draw a line down from column x and your word crosses over it, then put the beginning of the word under the indention of the line from which it started and mark the spill over row as a wrap row. Done.