I have a multi-site Drupal-6 installation containing websites of different customers.
On each site, there is an "administrator" role that includes mainly the customer's account. We want to give as many permissions as possible to this privileged user, but this could bring to security leaks using just the Drupal Core permissions management system.
The main thing to avoid is the customer account being able to run PHP code on the server (that would be like being logged on the server as the www-data user.. sounds really bad).
To avoid that, it is not sufficient to deny PHP code evaluation for the role. Since the administrator role must have permissions to manage users, he could also change the password of the user #1 and login in the site as superadmin.
The second goal would be to deny also some "confusing" administrative pages (such as module selection) but not others (such as site informations configuration, or theme selection, etc.)
I found the User One module that seems to fix the first problem, but I have no idea on how to solve the second one. I found some modules around, but no-one seems to fit.. it seems like the most ACLs are thought to protect the content, and not the site itself, as if the site administrator would always be the server owner itself..