



I have created a cube in SSAS 2008. In BIDS and SSMS I can see it fine. However, I cannot connect through Excel. I have tried both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. I must support both and neither work. I can see the database but the cubes do not show up.

I created a dummy cube in the project using the wizard and deployed that to the same database. In Excel 2003, I can see and connect to the dummy cube. Excel 2007 can't even find the server/instance after adding this cube. I have used another computer and received the same results with Excel 2003.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for any help you can give me.



Did you try re-deploying the cube that is giving your problems? Remember you need to also download the OLE DB 9.0 and msxml v6 for Excel 2007. Google search for it and the first result should be the MSDN download page.


Redeploying the cube did not help. I've deleted and redeployed many times.

I have installed a local copy of SQL 2008 with SSAS. Would that have included OLEDB 9.0 and MSXML? How do I tell if they are installed? Unfortunately, I don't have download permissions through our firewall for installable files. I can get them if necessary but it will take a couple of days.

Thanks, Brian.


We had a similar problem in our organization. I created a simple Role and added "Everyone" as a member. I gave the role "Read" access and "None" for Local cube Drill-through access.

After I re-deployed the cube with this role, people were able to connect in excel.
