I am looking for some coding ideas on the following task I am trying to achive.
I have a list of Error Numbers, Description, and User Friendly Description in a document.
Error Number, Description, User Friendly Description
1, Internal Error, "An Internal Error has occurred. Please try again later".
2, Delete Failed, "Unable to delete an Entry. Please try later".
I want to write a PHP class to store all the above in such a fashion that I can access them later with ease when an error occurs in the code..
Ex: If my code received an error 2, I want to check that error code with the list of error codes in the class, retrieve the description, user friendly description and display it to the user.
I want this to be of minimum overhead. So, don't want to store it in database.
I am using PHP5 with Zend MVC framework. Anybody can help me with the best possible sample code?