How can I draw a multi-color randomized unicorn using Logo?
the algorithm is described in balpha's blog, but I don't know which steps to start with to implement it in Logo
How can I draw a multi-color randomized unicorn using Logo?
the algorithm is described in balpha's blog, but I don't know which steps to start with to implement it in Logo
Using Logo.NET:
GETME System.Drawing
GETME System.Drawing.Rainbow
GETME System.MythicalCreatures
TO drawUnicorn :args
LEFT 30 ; make it jump
MAKE "unicorn ANEW Unicorn
MAKE "colors FROM PrettyColor IN Rainbow COUNT 5 SELECT PrettyColor
MAKE "graphics GET Graphics FROM :args
DO Draw FROM "graphics WITH "unicorn, "color
Edit: sorry, you asked for multi-color randomized. Fixed with a Logo INtegrated Query.